Saturday, December 19, 2009

Losing Weight

I just talked to my dad via skype the other day and he said I've gained weight. According to him, I look 'round'. WTF? Hell, yeah I freaked out. Me & my dear hubby just got back from a short trip in Hunter Valley and I know I've gained even more weight with all the cheese and junk foods I ate. So, just now, after we got back, we went for a 4km jog. Wow, that felt good! But not enough to lose weight. Now, I've got to find a new strategy to lose weight. I'm not sure how, but I have some stuff in mind.

1. Increase my water intake.

2. Drink Acai Berry juice every morning
I've heard and read somewhere that Acai Berry is very good if you plan to lose weight. I've bought it quite awhile ago, but I haven't been consistent consuming it. So now that I need to lose weight, I have to drink it every day. Will write about it in a week or 2 weeks time.

3. Exercise every day. 1 day or cardio, another day of weight & strength training, another day of cardio again and so on. My cardio routine will consist things like running, swimming & cycling

4. Reduce carbohydrate intake.

5. Eat more vegies and fruits.

6. No no no junk food

7. Reduce processes food intake

8. Reduce eating out

9. Portion control

10. Take heavy lunch and then go for light dinner.